Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hi! I'm Emily Welna. I am a Junior here at Stout and I am an Interior Design major. I am taking Life Drawing to improve my drawing skills. At my Mid Program Review, one of the teachers thought that taking life drawing would help my drawings look more 3 dimensional, so that's why I'm here! I didn't take very many art classes in highschool, not many were offered, so I didn't have much experience coming here to Stout. I've taken drawing 1 & 2. I struggled through drawing 1 but in the end I had improved much more then I thought I would. I hope to grow even more over this semester and improve my drawing skills! I think it will be fun to learn how to draw the human body, I have been dancing for about 15 years and as a dancer, your body, the way it moves, and your muscles are always on your mind. It will be great to learn how to draw the muscles and how bodies move. I'm excited to get started and improve my drawing skills!

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    Your dancing experience should have a huge impact on your "muscular empathy"--your ability to sense the feeling of the poses with your body. This helps a great deal in translating the pose to the page, even though it's something that's felt more than thought through.

    The comment at MPR was right on--Life Drawing will help you see and draw in 3D, even if it takes a while. It can be a difficult thing to grasp, but once you do, you'll have it--like riding a bike.

    I look forward to working with you.
